by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Divorce
Families with special needs children face challenges that might complicate their relationships and contribute to their divorce. About 20% of families have children with special needs, and the divorce rate for these families is generally higher than the national...
by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Child Support, Divorce and Finances
Who Pays for a Child’s College Education After a Divorce? As of 2021, the average annual cost of tuition for a full-time, in-state student in New Jersey was $13,963. With more and more employers requiring a college degree even for entry-level jobs, parents...
by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Child Support
When Does Child Support End? On average, the typical non-custodial parent pays around $500 in child support each month. This money can help to provide food, shelter, and other essentials for a child, but it can also be a significant financial burden. To reach a child...
by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Divorce
Is Legal Separation Better Than Divorce in New Jersey? Of all the U.S. states, New Jersey has the second-lowest divorce rate. But part of the reason divorce rates are low is that some people opt for legal separation. Similarities Between Divorce and Separation In many...
by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Divorce, Divorce and Finances
Considerations for Filing for Divorce During a Pandemic Every year, hundreds of thousands of people file for divorce in the United States. The stress of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, stay-at-home orders and working from home is putting a lot of stress on married...