by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Divorce, Divorce and Finances
Things to Know Before You Get a Divorce About 41% of first marriages in the United States end in divorce, and that number soars to 73% for third marriages. When you’ve decided that a divorce is the best path forward, there are some things you need to know before...
by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Divorce, Divorce and Finances, Family Law
If You Know a Divorce is Coming, It’s Best to Plan Ahead Though there are situations where a party to divorce has no idea it’s coming until the papers are served, in many, if not most, situations, there are indications of trouble long before it becomes official. If...
by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Divorce
If you are contemplating a divorce or are already a party to a divorce proceeding, and you can’t agree on who will get the marital home, or you know that neither of you will be able to afford the marital home after a divorce, the best course of action may be the sale...