by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Uncategorized
In a previous blog entry, I discussed the rights that grandparents have to visitation with their grandchildren. Under New Jersey law, grandparents do not have the right to force visitation with their grandchildren unless denial of visitation causes harm to the child...
by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Child Custody
Another situation where grandparents can prevail, and in some circumstances even establish rights equal to the parents, is if the grandparent becomes what is known as the “psychological parent” to the child. In other words – if the grandparent effectively...
by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Child Custody
One question that comes up a lot is what rights do grandparents have to visit their grandchildren if the parents object. This is an area of law that has caused a good deal of confusion because the law keeps evolving. At present, the answer to the question is that...